Best innovative start-up for the circular economy
LE2C and the CAP Group award their own prize to Themis, the best start-up or innovative SME that stands out in the Circular Economy for better

Focus on training and projects
A company that values training is virtuous. A company that trains not only its staff, but also third parties (from students to the community), is really

Research & Development: the pillars of our activity. The “Themis LAB” is active within our company, which is a laboratory specialized in carrying out specific tests

Ad hoc policy to ensure gender equality in the company
Gender equality is an important issue for many companies.The company has specific policies on gender equality in the company’s workforce.Thanks to these, it is clear the

Service – Control Room
Themis is able to remotely monitor and manage installed systems worldwide Thanks to the use of the most innovative IoT technologies, today Themis is able to

Deepening on the governing body
The company has established internal governance. The corporate governance body is represented by a Board of Directors, with decisions on sustainability ESG. The board consists of

WRT Applications
Innovative system for the drastic reduction and enhancement of waste. “MULTIPLE APPLICATIONS” Thanks to its sophisticated manufacturing process, the “Themis WRT” plant allows simplified management of

Community and sustainability: the company promotes training moments
The theme of sustainability now involves everyone. This is why initiatives involving the population and promoted by companies themselves are becoming increasingly frequent. The company implements

Collective agreement to guarantee employees
The company applies CCNL Metalmeccanica – Confapi Small and Medium Enterprises (2021). The application of the CCNL protects employees from compliance with the relevant regulations and

Service – Experience
Themis experience is at your disposal for consultancy and specialist industrial maintenance services in national and international markets Themis S.p.A is a company specializing in the

Use of applications and technologies for data management and monitoring
The company uses applications and technologies that enable data analytics (e.g. analysis of energy and material consumption data) and diagnostics (e.g. monitoring of machine functionality). The

Environmentally sustainable performance
A virtuous behavior is such only if it is possible to trace and observe it. The company, therefore, is urged and or encouraged to monitor its